I have seen many teams using the same process to design test cases without considering the fact that better Test Design can yield more defects and reduce Test Execution time. When I look at the Test Cases they all look similar to me. Same design techniques are used for all the test cases. Testers are more likely to use the design techniques which are easy, but they generate numerous test cases which will increase Test Execution Time. In Decision Tables technique we consider both data and logical dependencies, hence the resulting test cases are complete and minimal. The number of test cases generated by Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence class techniques are more when compared to the number of test cases generated by Decision Tables. With the combination of above Test Design techniques it is always important to use Pairwise Testing to cover the interactions between fields. The combination's that yield from pairwise test case generator will increase when the fields and field values increases but we can reduce the number of combination's by using pairwise Test Case Generators available at Testersdesk.com and find more bugs in less time.